Wybierz kongres
International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technologies
and the editorial staff of the Chłodnictwo&Klimatyzacja magazine
HVACR 360°Business, trends, premieres
ON FEBRUARY 27 - 29, 2024
11.00 - 11.15
Welcoming guests, opening of the fair
11.15 - 11.35
Bartłomiej SOSNA – Construction market expert, SPECTIS
Construction market in Poland in 2023. Development prospects in 2024.
Bartłomiej SOSNA – Construction market expert, SPECTIS
Construction market expert with particular emphasis on the Polish market. Author of numerous reports on residential, office, commercial and hotel construction. An independent expert who regularly comments in the media on current trends in the construction market and economy. As an expert at Spectis, Bartłomiej Sosna provides research and analytical services for managerial staff from the construction sector by providing current, reliable, complete and business-useful data defining the current and future condition of the market.
11.35 – 11.55
Ewelina STARUCH – Real Estate Analyst, Consulting & Research, Cushman & Wakefield
"Trends Radar" - key trends and forecasts regarding commercial real estate in Poland
Ewelina STARUCH – Real Estate Analyst, Consulting & Research, Cushman & Wakefield
She has been involved in the real estate industry for 10 years. Studies with specialization in Cadastre and real estate management at the Warsaw University of Technology. She gained professional experience as a residential real estate market analyst and then as a commercial real estate analyst at Cushman & Wakefield. Author of a number of publications, including co-author of the Trends Radar Report.
12.00 - 12.40
Agnieszka TOMASZEWSKA – Department of Strategy and Analyzes, Ministry of Climate and Environment
Assumptions and implementation in Poland of provisions regarding new EU regulations in the field of F-gases
Agnieszka TOMASZEWSKA – Department of Strategy and Analyzes, Ministry of Climate and Environment
Counselor, Independent Position for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Plenipotentiary for Environmental Management at the Ministry of Climate and Environment Department of Strategy and Analysis Ministry of Climate and Environment
12.40 - 13.30
Agnieszka TOMASZEWSKA – Department of Strategy and Analysis, Ministry of Climate and Environment
Robert GREJCZ – President of KFCH, Sales Director Eastern Europe North, Emerson
Jarosław STALEWSKI – Business Development Manager East Europe A-Gas Nederland BV
Dariusz STEFANOWSKI – Product Manager, KLIMOR Poland;
Expert debate: The HVAC industry in the face of current national and EU legal regulations
13.30 - 13.45
Jarosław STALEWSKI – Business Development Manager East Europe A-Gas Nederland BV
Money for used refrigerants (HFCs)
13.50 - 14.05
Dariusz STEFANOWSKI – Product Manager, KLIMOR Poland
Energy balance of devices
14.10 - 14.25
Rafał PIGUŁA – Technical Manager of the GREE Product
G-AI technology in air conditioning – yes or no?
14.30 - 14.45
TERMOFOL – The only heating foil factory in Europe
14.50 - 15.10
Anti-corrosion protection in HVAC: extended service life and higher efficiency of equipment
An expert in anti-corrosion protection, also for the HVAC industry. For several years he has been associated with Alucrom, which specializes in painting heat exchangers, coolers and HVAC devices, guaranteeing the highest protection against corrosion and increasing the efficiency of devices.
Expert in anti-corrosion protection for HVAC systems. Alucrom partner, associated with the international company Blygold, a pioneer in the field of anti-corrosion coatings for HVAC systems.
15.10 - 15.30
European and Polish HVACR market – key trends and developments
15.30 - 16.00
Grzegorz MODLIBOWSKI – founder and consultant of the Optineo recruitment company
Engineering Recruitment of Engineers – Relevance through Cybernetics
Grzegorz MODLIBOWSKI – founder and consultant of the Optineo recruitment company
Consultant associated with the HVAC industry for over twenty years. Theoretician, practitioner and propagator of social cybernetics. Author of methods combining science with practical business application. His specializations include: development and innovation in sales structures, managerial recruitment, motivation theory, recruitment methodology.
10.30 - 11.00
Małgorzata SMUCZYŃSKA – Vice President of the Management Board of PORT PC, Regional Sales Director of ESBE
The heat pump market in Poland – the most important challenges and activities in Poland and the EU
Małgorzata SMUCZYŃSKA – Vice President of the Management Board of PORT PC, Regional Sales Director of ESBE
Vice-President of the Management Board of the Polish Organization for the Development of Heat Pump Technology (PORT PC) Member of the Board of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA) Doctor of agricultural sciences in the field of environmental management - water and sewage technology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Faculty of Environmental Protection and Fisheries. Founding Member and Vice-President of the Management Board of the Polish Organization for the Development of Heat Pump Technology (PORT PC), Member of the Management Board of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), Member of the Association of Energy Auditors. Author of two patent applications for inventive projects concerning methods of removing phosphorus compounds from wastewater. Co-author of the "Energy Plan for the Podlaskie Voivodeship" and "Guidelines for the design and acceptance of heat pump installations. Vol. 1” PORT PC and a series of domestic and foreign press publications on renewable energy, mainly heat pump technology. Environmental protection, sustainable development and renewable energy sources are not only her professional passion, but also a mission in everyday life, which she pursues as the owner of a ground heat pump cooperating with photovoltaics and a ventilation system with heat recovery. In his professional life, he has been representing the heat pump industry in the PORT PC association for 11 years. He also has extensive experience gained while working in managerial positions, including the last 16 years as a Business Unit Manager and Brand Manager at NIBE-BIAWAR Sp. z o. o., part of the NIBE AB concern in Sweden, which is a manufacturer and distributor of heat pumps in Poland. From May 2023, she started working as the Regional Sales Director - East Region and Managing Director of ESBE in Poland, a European manufacturer of solutions in the field of heating, cooling and hot water systems.
11.00 - 11.20
Bogdan SZCZEPAŃSKI – director of COCH Central Refrigeration Center
Miłosz GRATKOWSKI – deputy head of the product certification unit, staff and inspection unit, COCH Central Refrigeration Center
Testing and certification of heat pumps
11.20 - 11.35
Michał ZALEWSKI – Head of the KLIMA-THERM Training Section
Perspectives for heat pumps in multi-family housing
11.40 - 11.55
Rafał PIGUŁA – Technical Manager of the GREE Product
FREE C&C Remote monitoring and servicing system for heat pumps
12.00 - 12.15
Mateusz JAWORSKI – Product Specialist in the Residential Department, DAIKIN
Heat pump air-water split type for modernized buildings
12.20 - 13.00
Małgorzata SMUCZYŃSKA – Vice Prezes Zarządu PORT PC, ESBE
Wojciech ŻMIGRODZKI – KFCH, Head of Heat Pump Business Development EER Danfoss
Elżbieta KRAWCZYK-GRZYB – President of the Management Board of Free Polska (GREE brand)
Tomasz DOBRYNIEWSKI – Managing Director of DAIKIN
Grzegorz SKRZYPCZAK – President of the Management Board of ELEKTROEKO
Expert debate: Development prospects for the heat pump market
13.00 - 13.20
Grzegorz SKRZYPCZAK – President of the Management Board of ELEKTROEKO
Obligations of those who introduce heat pumps and the WEEE Directive (recycling)
13.20 - 13.40
Jerzy SOWA – Warsaw University of Technology
New technologies in the HVAC industry that help maintain a safe indoor environment in the face of challenges related to the effects of climate change and pandemic health threats
Jerzy SOWA – Warsaw University of Technology
Jerzy SOWA – research and teaching assistant professor at the Department of Air Conditioning and Heating at the Faculty of Building Installations, Hydrotechnics and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. He specializes in ventilation and air conditioning, indoor air quality, human comfort and well-being, and rational use of energy in construction. He is the author of over 230 scientific and popular science publications. He has been awarded many times for scientific, teaching and organizational achievements at the level of his alma mater, ministries responsible for higher education, environmental protection, construction, as well as at the state level. He holds the honorary title of REHVA Fellow awarded by the European Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations.
13.40 - 14.10
Dominika ŁUCZAK – SFM Filters
Microbiological contamination in rooms and innovative solutions for the HVAC industry used to reduce the risk of spreading respiratory viruses, bacteria and fungi
14.15 - 14.30
Andrzej ŁEBEK
Roda by LAMILUX flaps - gravity ventilation for special tasks
14.30 - 14.50
Jarosław MÜLLER – Cracow University of Technology
Ventilation and air conditioning in school and public facilities - air quality, comfort and energy efficiency
14.50 - 15.05
Paweł SOBOŃ – Key Facilities Manager of BELIMO Głosowniki S.A
Better operation of HVAC hydraulic installations – BELIMO Energy ValveTM in a nutshell
15.10 - 15.30
Piotr PIEPRZYCA – Owner of the consulting company PROZAM Piotr Pieprzyca
Public procurement – settlement for results
Piotr PIEPRZYCA – Owner of the consulting company PROZAM Piotr Pieprzyca
Owner of the consulting company PROZAM Piotr Pieprzyca. A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia and Postgraduate Studies in European Law at the University of Law and Administration in Warsaw. President of the Management Board of the National Association of Public Consultants. Many years of practice. Since 2002, he has been dealing with broadly understood public procurement issues. From the first years he has been associated with the local government sector, with which he still cooperates. In 2004, he was elected for a 6-year term as an arbitrator at the Public Procurement Office. Since 2006, he has been cooperating with ordering parties and contractors in every aspect related to the application of the Public Procurement Law. Representative before the National Appeals Chamber. Lecturer at many public and private universities in Poland. Speaker at the largest public procurement conferences. Author of many industry publications and commentary on the Public Procurement Law and a trainer appreciated for his practical approach to the issues discussed.
11.00 - 11.30
Michał ZALEWSKI – Head of the KLIMA-THERM Training Section, Łukasz JURASZ – Head of the Training Department, Central Refrigeration Center COCH
Expert debate: Correct operation of devices and installations, and the role of the installer and training
11.30 - 11.45
Piotr PIECHNIK – Senior Specialist for Application Development and Training, GREE
GREE – Installer Zone. A new dimension of business support
12.00 - 12.20
Paweł MITKOWSKI – PROZON Foundation
Flammable agents in refrigeration and air conditioning
Paweł MITKOWSKI – PROZON Foundation
A graduate of the Faculty of SiMR at the Warsaw University of Technology. He serves as a proxy in the PROZON Climate Protection Foundation. He has been associated with the refrigeration and air conditioning industry for many years. He started his career in the industry in the technical department of Carrier Transicold Polska. After the introduction of the F-gas Act in Poland, due to the requirement for personnel certification, he trained several hundred technicians in the industry. Currently, Sales Department Manager at the PROZON Foundation.
12.20 - 12.40
Marlena ZIÓŁKOWSKA – head of the environmental protection department at the PROZON Foundation
BDS and CRO – in the installer's practice
Marlena ZIÓŁKOWSKA – head of the environmental protection department at the PROZON Foundation
Marlena ZIÓŁKOWSKA, M.A. – In 2018 She obtained a master's degree in Interdepartmental Environmental Protection Studies at the University of Warsaw. From 2020 works at PROZON Climate Protection Foundation. Currently, he heads the environmental protection department at the Foundation. He is responsible for the Database on products and packaging and waste management (BDO), as well as legislation and audits in the field of F-gases and waste in the ChiK industry. He develops substantive materials and conducts training on industry reporting and the basics of refrigeration. In 2021 obtained the title of internal auditor of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. From September 2023, she also took over the role of Subject Matter Specialist in the EU project co-financed by the LIFE program entitled "Development and implementation of a model and tools for cooperation between state authorities and other entities to improve monitoring in the area of HFCs and their illegal trade", acronym of the LEGAL HFC 4 LIFE project.
12.40 - 13.00
Wojciech KONECKI – APPLiA Polska
Collection and recycling of used HVAC equipment - market characteristics and obligations of importers/manufacturers and installation and service companies
Wojciech KONECKI – APPLiA Polska
Since 2004, he has been running the association of employers and home appliance manufacturers, APPLiA Polska (formerly CECED), which deals with, among others, industry representation before state administration, parliament and media, as well as market research and economic analyses. For 20 years he worked in the household appliances industry at managerial and director levels In the area of economic self-government, since 2005 he has been a counselor, member of the authorities and vice-chairman of the Council, and since 2017 vice-president of the National Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Chamber of Commerce. He is also the chairman of the Committee for consumer electrical equipment of the Polish Committee for Standardization, a member of the Board of Officers of the European standardization organization CENELEC, a member of the KIS-GOZ (National Intelligent Specializations) expert group and the chairman of the international Supervisory Board of the joint-stock company ElektroEko SA. In his publications, he specializes mainly in energy efficiency, electro-recycling, market trends and the electronics industry.
13.00 - 13.40
Polish Chamber of Energy Storage PIME Association
Krzysztof KOCHANOWSKI – PIME (moderator)
Grzegorz WIŚNIEWSKI – EC BREC Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej
Janusz STAROŚCIK – Stowarzyszenie Producentów i Importerów Urządzeń Grzewczych SPIUG
Łukasz ADRIAN - Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
Expert debate: Cooling/heat and energy storage as an element supporting and improving the energy efficiency of HVAC installations
13.40 - 14.10
Workshops for HVAC Installer – efficient installation work, and design and execution errors of heat pumps and refrigeration/air conditioning systems.
Autor wielu publikacji technicznych w zakresie chłodnictwa komercyjnego i przemysłowego oraz systemów klimatyzacji. Ekspert z ramienia Krajowej Izby Gospodarczej Chłodnictwa i Klimatyzacji oraz Rzeczoznawca z ramienia Krajowej Izby Rzeczoznawców Chłodnictwa, Klimatyzacji i Pomp Ciepła. Właściciel firmy ReBaNo, działającej w zakresie sprzedaży komponentów chłodniczych na terenie Polski. Od 2016 r. prowadzi szkolenia dla osób ubiegających się o uzyskanie certyfikatu dla personelu przeprowadzającego instalację, konserwację lub serwisowanie stacjonarnych urządzeń chłodniczych, klimatyzacyjnych i pomp ciepła zawierających substancje kontrolowane lub fluorowane gazy cieplarniane oraz odzysk tych substancji lub gazów z takich urządzeń. Autor wielu publikacji poradnikowych na łamach Chłodnictwo&Klimatyzacja.
COOPERATION WITH PARTNERS (expert debates, partner presentations):
cell phone: 604 588 275
e-mail: p.otlowski@chlodnictwoiklimatyzacja.pl
cell phone: 604 588 257
e-mail: p.pietrak@chlodnictwoiklimatyzacja.pl
REDAKCJA Chłodnictwo&Klimatyzacja:
cell phone: 501 395 650
e-mail: m.stachurka@chlodnictwoiklimatyzacja.pl
The fire of ashes
Diter Walentowski Chimney Master
Central Emissions Register for Buildings - New Obligations
Piotr Urbanowicz Chimney Master
Technical conditions for the use of residential buildings in terms of gravitational ventilation
Marcin Ziombski Chimney Master
"Risks associated with the operation of gas heaters"
Łukasz Malcharczyk