Hall E, room no. 1

10:30 - 11:00
Mateusz Rymarczyk - Lindab Polska
Systems with variable air flow (VAV) and their role in ventilation solutions for sustainable construction

Mateusz Rymarczyk - Lindab Polska
Specialist in HVAC systems in the area of cooling beams and VAV systems. Has knowledge and experience in BIM design, and CFD modeling. Graduate of Environmental Engineering at Poznań University of Technology, specializing in Heat Supply, Air Conditioning, and Atmospheric Protection. Member of the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians.

11:00 - 11:20
Piotr Wojtuściszyn, Che Chong Hau - Alcurom Sp. z o.o.
Corrosion protection in HVAC: extending the lifespan and increasing the efficiency of devices

Piotr Wojtuściszyn
Expert in the field of anti-corrosion protection, also for the HVAC industry. For several years associated with Alucrom, which specializes in painting heat exchangers, radiators, and HVAC equipment, guaranteeing the highest protection against corrosion and increasing equipment efficiency.
Che Chong Hau - Alcurom Sp. z o.o.
Expert in anti-corrosion protection for HVAC systems. Partner of Alucrom, associated with the international company Blygold, a pioneer in anti-corrosion coatings for HVAC systems.

11:20 - 11:50
Castolin Sp. z o.o. - Aleksandra Furmańska, Jerzy Bacik
Hydrogen generators in the world of soldering / Aspects of hard soldering of copper and its alloys

Castolin Sp. z o.o. - Aleksandra Furmańska
Connected with Castolin since 2019. The only Technical Advisor in the team. Specializes in soldering technologies. A graduate of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice - she completed the "Mechanics and Machine Construction" program with a specialization in "Welding Technologies." She is responsible for direct contacts and cooperation with companies using soldering technologies in production based on company materials and equipment. Furthermore, since 2021 as a Product Manager - Dyomix Hydrogen Generators, she coordinates and develops their sales and implementation in various industrial sectors.

Jerzy Bacik
A graduate of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice - in 1996 he completed specialization in "Welding" at the Faculty of Mechanical and Technological Engineering. Associated with Castolin since 1996, in 1997 he assumed the position of Technical Advisor. Since 2002, he has specialized in soldering technologies as Product Manager - Soldering Materials and Equipment. At the same time, he developed his professional career at Castolin through coordination (2006), as well as conducting training (2015). Since 2016, he has held the position of Director of Sales Development.

12:05 - 12:20
SPN LOGISTICS - Marcin Multan
Intermodal transport as an essential part of the supply chain for the HVAC industry.

SPN LOGISTICS - Marcin Multan
Co-owner of SPN Logistics sp. z o.o., enthusiast for growth and new opportunities. Logistician with 10 years of experience. Specialist in the field of intermodal transport. Graduate of the University of Szczecin in Logistics with a specialisation in International Transport.

12:20 - 12:40
Systema Polska - Barbara Kowalczyk
Why choose Systema Polska heating and ventilation systems?

12:40 - 13:00
BH-Res - Krzysztof Pruc
Protecting buildings from noise generated by mechanical ventilation, air heating and ducted air conditioning systems using Climaver systems and Silentver silencers.

BH-Res - Krzysztof Pruc
Graduate of the Rzeszow University of Technology in the field of Environmental Engineering with a specialization in Municipal Engineering. Associated with the ventilation industry for 18 years, specialist in acoustics of air transmission systems. He has many years of experience in design and implementation in the field of HVAC systems. Author and co-author of numerous publications in the trade press.

13:00 - 13:15
Inwestklima - Jarosław Kuryś
Latest developments in manifold systems for heat recovery ventilation

10:30 - 11:00
Mateusz Rymarczyk - Lindab Polska
Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems and Their Role in Ventilation Solutions for Sustainable Construction

Mateusz Rymarczyk - Lindab Polska
Specialist in HVAC systems in the area of cooling beams and VAV systems. Has knowledge and experience in BIM design, and CFD modeling. Graduate of Environmental Engineering at Poznań University of Technology, specializing in Heat Supply, Air Conditioning, and Atmospheric Protection. Member of the Polish Association of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians.

Tomasz Cebulak - Home Star Thermatec
Challenges in the sale of heat pumps in the context of subsidy programs

Tomasz Cebulak - Home Star Thermatec
A graduate of the University of Economics in Katowice at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management. For over 15 years, he has been a member of the management board of companies providing sales and services to end customers. Sales manager, trainer, creator of original sales and communication training. Propagator of innovative technologies, as well as practical and modern solutions in the industry. For over five years associated with the renewable energy industry.
Ground-Therm Pan Marco Denda
"Advantages of the Ventiflex Plus system"

12:30 - 13:00
Andrzej Różycki - Independent expert invited by ActivTek
Combining individual exhaust ventilation systems into collective systems in public facilities

Andrzej Różycki - Independent expert invited by ActivTek
Data Centre and Hospitality Expert
ENGIE SERVICES SP. Z O.O. SAR Branch in Warsaw
Possesses over 30 years of experience in organising service structures and leading service teams in the field of professional air-conditioning, ventilation, heating and cooling systems based on the quality criteria of the so-called "result" contract (achievement and assurance of functional parameters). Certified cleanroom specialist.

13:00 - 13:30
Jacek Stachowiak - BIOTOP
Heat pumps and a photovoltaic micro-generator as effective support for a supply and extract ventilation system with recuperation. Case study

Jacek Stachowiak - BIOTOP
Prezes Zarządu Biotop Polska wydawcy Millennium Gazeta Budowlana. Od ponad 30 lat aktywnie związany z branżą budowlaną. Inicjator promowania idei ochrony klimatu poprzez prawidłowej modernizacji budynków istniejących ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem właściwie zaprojektowanej wentylacji i zapewnienia odpowiedniej wymiany powietrza w obiektach budowlanych. Advocate for maximum reduction of CO2 emissions and promoter of the implementation of sustainable zero-emission building standards.
Originator of the idea of "tailor-made" construction, without oversizing, fitting into the cultural landscape of the built-up area in accordance with historical architectural characteristics.
Enthusiast of conceptual thinking in terms of forward-looking shaping of space. Implementation of global solutions and the grafting of materials and technologies utilising renewable energy sources to the maximum possible extent on domestic soil. Combining ecological solutions, rainwater retention, design of buildings functioning in a closed cycle. Advocate of biodegradation, waste segregation and utilisation, the idea of ZERO WASTE, combating concreting, world pollution and noise. Promotes widely understood acoustic solutions to improve the functioning of people in buildings and design in accordance with logic, best technical knowledge and end-user friendliness.